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Edgy Futura is a font that I created for my Advanced Typography class that is a twist on the famous futura typeface.
This is an information graphic of the population decline of the tigers species in the world. I made this for my Advanced Typography class.
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This is another class exercise for my Advanced Typography class. The instructions were to create a poster that relates to the Yogi Berra quote that we were required to pick.
This is a class exercise that I made in my Advanced Typography class. We made album covers by getting all this information at random and had to make a visually interesting work out of what we were given.
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This was a project for my menu recreation for my Typography class where I recreated the menu for Tropical Smoothie (my favorite smoothie place)
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This is part of the branding project I made for my Logo, Identity and Design course. I came up with the name “reFRESHed Smoothies” business, the logo and the brand values for the business.